Social Media Guidelines

Hashtag: #SINGUSA2023

We encourage the use of social media during the SING workshop as way to share information about the SING program. Please abide by the following SING social media guidelines.

The SING Consortium is comprised of multiple workshops: SING USA, SING Canada (@canada_sing), SING Aotearoa, SING Mexico, and SING Australia. While SING USA does not have its own handle, we will tag either @SINGConsortium or #SINGUSA2023.


  • Follow SING Consortium on Twitter (@SINGConsortium) and use the #SINGUSA2023 hashtag to follow the latest updates and join in the conversation about the workshop.
  • Follow SING on Facebook at:
  • Blog, tweet, or post on Facebook about what you are hearing and learning at SING, but do not share under circumstances outlined (in “Don’t” section) below.
  • Respect when speakers ask that entire talks, specific details, or slides not be shared.
  • Communicate with respect and consideration for others, and keep criticism constructive, gentle, and in-person rather than online. Every attendee has been vetted and deserves to participate fully and without fear of “call-outs” on social media, even if you disagree with their perspective or believe they have made a mistake.
  • Remember that views expressed during the workshop belong to the individual and not necessarily to the SING Consortium. Please be mindful to attribute thoughts and ideas correctly when using the @SINGConsortium handle. 


  • Don’t capture, transmit, or redistribute comments or conversations held where participants have reasonable expectations of confidentiality or privacy, e.g. talking circles. Conversations among participants and faculty and comments/questions shared during group discussions are off-limits for public disclosure unless one gets explicit permission to share them. This ensures a safer space and allows participants to feel comfortable speaking up.
  • Don’t capture, transmit, or redistribute data presented at the meeting unless you were given explicit permission to do so – this may preclude its later publication in a scientific journal.
  • Don’t publicly post copyrighted, trademarked material, or material protected by other intellectual property rights.
  • Don’t engage in rudeness, slander, or personal attacks.
  • Don’t disparage or assume bad intentions on the part of any SING participant or faculty
  • Don’t tag individuals in photos or posts unless they have given you permission. Many of the posts are public, so we want to be respectful of individual privacy.

Individuals who participate in SING’s social media/online networking are expected to:

  • Maintain a courteous and respectful demeanor in their comments and posts
  • Contribute value, ideas, and/or expertise
  • Represent themselves and their organizations/communities truthfully and professionally
  • Recognize that participants in SING-related social media discussions include genomics and Indigenous communities; our allies both inside and outside of the academy; policymakers, members of the media, publishers, and the general public.

Derogatory, demeaning, inflammatory, offensive, disrespectful, or otherwise inappropriate comments will not be tolerated.

The views and opinions posted related to SING on social media do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or policies of SING, its Advisory Council, partners, sponsors, or other committees. SING reserves the right to remove comments it deems, in its sole discretion, to be inappropriate.